Phone Numble

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Welcome to the zany world of digits and phone numbers that are here to tie your brain into a knot! In this new fun game, you’re on a quest to crack a secret phone number hidden behind a jumbled mess of digits on the familiar-looking grid! It’s like a wild scavenger hunt for numbers and it’s going to be a blast!

Who are you calling?

So, what’s the lowdown on Phone Numble? Well, you’ve got to play detective and unearth that hidden 10-digit phone number. Start by predicting and filling in the first row of grid cells. Hit that “Enter” button, and if the color changes, you’re on fire! If there’s no match in the gray area, well, tough luck, you’re barking up the wrong phone number tree. Yellow means you’ve got a number right, but it’s in a different place. Green? Ding ding ding! That’s the sweet spot – the number’s in the right place.

But here’s the kicker – sometimes, a number might appear more than once in the word, whether it’s yellow or green. And just when you thought you got it, you might just get stuck scratching your head in confusion. Keep that in mind, focus on the digits, and use the info from the previous rounds to uncover the secret number. Have fun unraveling the digits, and may the phone odds be ever in your favor!

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